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Hotty Balm Goes 'Hollywood' and the Secret to Staying Forever Young!?

5 things to do to stay young:  1. Do a cannon ball into the water sans suit. I realize not for everyone but I swear by it. 2. Pick flowers in a field for you or someone else. If it's not a public field you will even feel more young when the owners start to chase you. 3. Go somewhere new. It awakens your curiosity which is super important to staying young.  4. Try one thing you have never done before. The exhilaration of learning to walk never goes away. 5. Keep falling in love. I know...I know but I've actually read about the healing qualities of this crazy thing we call love, so it's on list. Don't shoot the messenger.  So what does this have to do with Hollywood you ask!? Well let me tell you!  We are all fired up here and feeling excited about things to come because BEE23 Natural Beauty has been invited to bring our natural glow to one of the notorious gifting suites at the 2017 Oscars. OMGosh right!?
So what is the secret to staying young and what does Hollywood have to do with it!? I know I always get your hopes up. Perhaps this time I will provide the new and latest elixir of life but then I go on to discuss the necessity to protect skin from sun, pollution and drink lots of water. You are like...ugh! Really.   

I have to tell you, we have done extensive thought about this over here at BEE23 Natural Beauty. We are now at an age to take in all these life observations, facts and opinions to come up with some pretty good theories.

There is a lot of talk about staying young at heart and the benefits that has for our mind and body. I would argue that staying young at heart actually creates an overall younger appearance. We appear youthful not just in the clothes we wear or our demeanour, but also in the actual light in our face and eyes. This is totally subjective but I've done a lot of observational research. 

When someone looks excited about their day, or life and is impassioned with something that makes them feel alive, they look 10 years younger. We know this. So obviously go through all your to-dos in regards to good facial skin care for prevention and protection BUT most importantly try to stay alive inside.

I know it can feel difficult. I really know. We get tarnished and worn with the onslaught of all the daily life lessons both the joys and sorrows. However, reminding ourselves (even if it is for vanity sake) regardless of how everything may be, it just feels better and is better for us to believe that tomorrow is a new day, with new possibilities, new adventures and we can just never know what is around the corner. This is our magic secret to not only seeming young but appearing youthful.

5 things to do to stay young:

1. Do a cannon ball into the water sans suit. I realize not for everyone but I swear by it.
2. Pick flowers in a field for you or someone else. If it's not a public field you will even feel more young when the owners start to chase you.
3. Go somewhere new. It awakens your curiosity which is super important to staying young. 
4. Try one thing you have never done before. The exhilaration of learning to walk never goes away.
5. Keep falling in love. I know...I know but I've actually read about the healing qualities of this crazy thing we call love, so it's on list. Don't shoot the messenger.

So what does this have to do with Hollywood you ask!? Well let me tell you!

We are all fired up here and feeling excited about things to come because BEE23 Natural Beauty has been invited to bring our natural glow to one of the notorious gifting suites at the 2017 Oscars. OMGosh right!?

The goal is to have our products that you love and use become the talk of Tinseltown. Yes, Hotty Balm is going Hollywood but in our own special earth loving way. This is a great opportunity to elevate our brand exposure; as well as to introduce our brand to celebrities, VIPs, Taste-makers, media and key influencers. Not to mention what an amazing adventure! We will be posting all along the way. I'm pretty sure we can fulfill all the 5 points to staying young while enroute.

We are in the midst of gathering our BEE23 Team #hottybalmgoeshollywood together. Check out our current Hotty Balm Goes Hollywood Go Fund Me.

Can't make it to the Oscars!? We have you covered at our very own 'Get Your Glow On' Oscar Themed Party. Join us February 11th in 36 Chambers at 1266 Queen Street West to celebrate and psych up our team prior to leaving on this new Hollywood escapade 'Get Your Glow On' Party Let's Celebrate Hotty Balm Going to the Oscars!


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