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Herbal Helpers for the Eclipse Season

Solare eclipse, lunar eclipse, herbal support, plant medicine

Plants are magic. I sit back in awe when, yet another serendipitous event happens to teach me when I do not realize there is a lesson to be had. Once the knowledge is acquired, it is a feeling filled with 'of course this is the way it is.'

The eclipse season is heavy upon us, and I do not think we discuss this in our daily lives enough. I put together a list of herbs that may be fabulous helpers for you during this time and beyond, spurred on by a recent experience with Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).

I was putting together my tea for the day and this plant felt like it was hopping up and down in the back of my shelf, like ‘pick me, pick me!’ I had not used Mugwort in quite some time and I thought it was interesting to be called to it.

I have focused much of my relationship with plants over the years around scientific study supported by traditional teachings.
 Seeking out the study behind what women like my grandmother simply knew to be true, has been my modus operandi. It is like a treasure hunt into the inner workings of a little miracle. However, I am learning the power of being taught by the plants themselves.

Given that I have become much more aware of when these happenings occur during my day, not unlike the solar flare incident, I decided to look it up. When looking through traditional beliefs about the impact of eclipses on the digestion system and causing bouts of anxiety, I thought it was interesting that these are two of the herbal actions of Mugwort; to aid in digestion and the nervous system.

Whenever there is strong lunar activity, it always creates the right vibration and environment for working and strengthening our intuitive and psychic gifts. Spiritually, Mugwort is known as an important helper during a Lunar Eclipse because it is believed to enhance dreams, a primary mode of communication between our conscious selves and lunar selves. It can also aid in opening our psychic paths and spiritual gifts hidden to us.

When it comes to Lunar and Solar Eclipses, the modern fundamental bodies that have created much of our current world view claim there is no impact caused by these celestial events on the human, other species, or the environment. I would argue this cannot be the case based on the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon having impact on not only our circadian rhythms but the menstrual cycle in women. This is not even mentioning the lack of information around geomagnetic storms and solar flares. A geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth’s magnetosphere that occurs when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth. I am very sure this is something that impacts our bodies.

There is much superstition globally about the good or bad meanings of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, along with how it affects the body, what you should eat, and the potential for natural disasters.

With this said, we are not here to debate the ‘is and is nots’ of the eclipse season. We are reaching far deeper to sit with self to learn from our bodies and to come in tune with what we need and how we may be shifting with the movements in the heavenly bodies. Intention is everything when it comes to such cosmic events such as this. We must learn to follow intuition, instincts and feel for what resonates. Below is a list of Eclipse Self-Care Herbs that you can pick one or several to try for now and in the future.

Eclipse Self-Care Herbal List

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
 ~ Digestion support. Nervous system support. Enhances lunar connection for dreaming and opening paths to spiritual gifts.

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) ~ Strong nervine to soothe nervous tension. Renews central nervous system. Treats any condition associated with exhaustion or depressed states. Helps with indigestion. Calms racing thoughts.

Rose (Rosa spp.) ~ Antidepressant and works to calm the nervous system. Digestive stimulant. Invites us to unravel the mystery of who we are, why we suffer, and how we may still love. Rose is gentle and soothing while stimulating and motivating. Helpful if you suffer from headaches during the eclipse season.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
 ~ Aids with the digestion system and soothes the nervous system. Soothes emotional trauma especially that which comes from childhood. Catnip helps us experience our emotions when they come up but not to be incapacitated by them. Catnip reminds us that we deserve to feel safe in our bodies, our homes and in the world.

Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) ~ A cardiotonic and hypotensive, it is the plant we want to support the function and tissues of the heart. Hawthorn is a guide to help us connect with the land spirits and our ancestors to ask for protection and instruction. An herb to be drank quietly and in reflection.

Milky Oat (Avena sativa) ~ Is an antidepressant, a nutritive, and nervine tonic. This plant feeds and restores the system, especially when we find ourselves in stress. It is both a relaxant and a stimulant, to strengthen the whole nervous system. It can help bring us out of a state of unrest. This is a perfect herb to add to your everyday self-care regime.

Impact of the Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow falls directly over the Full Moon. 
For a brief period, the Moon disappears, and the night turns to dark. The Moon has long been associated with the feminine and if we look at the Moon as a symbol for femininity - an energy that goes beyond gender, having this moment of shadow is like a rebirth.

This feminine energy is about connecting with your emotions, connecting with your body, and connecting with your intuition. We require our shadow selves, that which we hide deep in our psyche to come to the surface to face it, forgive it, and let it go to level up our lives. The more prepared we are to do this, the less tumultuous the experience.

During a Lunar Eclipse we may feel drained or lethargic, due to the eclipse messing with our sleep cycle and hormones. We may feel irritable, tired, extra sensitive, moody, and out of balance. It is important to listen to your body and respond accordingly with self-care and acknowledgement. 

Impact of the Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth that either fully or partially blocks the light of the Sun in some areas.
 Eclipses have been known throughout humanity as a marker of the next chapter of growth that is getting ready to unfold for us. Ancient astrologers believed that Solar Eclipses were highly karmic events that helped to balance the scales of justice in the world. They are considered portal openers, helping us to raise our consciousness and access higher frequencies, and bring about change.

During a Solar Eclipse, there is a shift in the vibration and frequency of energies on Earth. Your balance may be affected, or you may feel out of sorts, low energy, and you may also feel extra sensitive to the emotions of those around you. You may recognize many in your circle of friends and community are going through endings and new beginnings, as this may be the case for you.

Animals can sense this change in vibration and often display erratic behaviour leading up to and during an eclipse. Spiders are observed during Solar Eclipses to dismantle their webs and build them up again once the eclipse had passed.

With these subtle, yet noticeable effects in the world around us, it is likely that a Solar Eclipse is affecting us on a much deeper level than we even realize. When we listen to our bodies and up the self-care, this can be a highly charged time of positive change and inspiration. Besides feeling tired and lethargic, a Solar Eclipse can also help to activate a dream-like state, making it the perfect time meditate or reflect quietly.

Our circadian rhythms are also controlled by our pineal gland, which is the gland responsible for the opening and awakening of the third eye. When darkness falls due to a Solar Eclipse, it can help to activate the pineal gland, which can bring about a spiritual awakening of sorts.

Indigenous communities believe that a Solar Eclipse is a powerful time of healing, with the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth representing the dissolving of differences and the coming together as One. During a Solar Eclipse, emotional wounds can be healed, and stronger relationships can be forged. This can then bring about a mutual understanding and can help the world to unite in love and harmony, rather than being in opposition.

To help support and balance your body and mind during eclipses, try grounding exercises, eating root vegetables, and meditation, along with picking one or more herbs from our Eclipse Self-Care Herbal List from above.
 Let us know your experiences in the comments. 

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