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Calendula ~ the flower with the power of the sun to cool, soothe & rejuvenate!

  We are going to outline a few reasons why one of our cornerstone flowers Calendula, is an invaluable long time ingredient in our product offerings at , including our famous Hotty Balm!  Calendula, or otherwise known as Pot Marigold, not to be confused with True Marigold containing toxic properties,  is like bringing the power of the sun with you into each season that comes. This is important as we move into the gorgeous reflective time of autumn. Calendula, scientifically known as Calendula Officinalis, is a perennial plant that is considered easy to cultivate in temperate climates. The leaves are considered edible, and their petals are occasionally used to add colour to salads or as a garnish, however, its most popular use is as a tea. Spiritually, many practitioners throughout the ages have worked with Calendula for its ability to bring in the energies of love, clairvoyance, and renewal. The light in this flower warms and disperses dampness, stagnation, and emotional patt
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