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Showing posts from January, 2025

The Butterfly Gland a Deep Dive ~ Herbs to Support the Thyroid

A Case for Holistic Thyroid Investigation As I continue to support clients, there is yet an overwhelming number of incoming questions about thyroid concerns and potential supports. I would like to remind all here, that I am a student in life just as you are. We each take a special affinity to various areas of interest. The research I do enables me to be a better resource to clients and my community. I also make some of my own synopses based on how I perceive the information. What I write is not a conclusive answer to a question, but great beginning points for others to think about their body and health. Always do your own research in regard to a suggestion or recommendation via any type of practitioner. What works for one body, may not be the right fit for another. Now bear with me! I am going to explain a little about the thyroid and the system it is included within the body. This is important because understanding this system is relatively new and there is no extensive review of p...